This particular birthday for our dear Mrs Zainab M.Abdullahi was a unique combination of memories, gratitude to the Almighty God for protection and a season to Celebrate her darling husband on his birthday on one of her tours

This particular birthday for our dear Mrs Zainab M.Abdullahi was a unique combination of memories, gratitude to the Almighty God for protection and a season to Celebrate her darling husband on his birthday on one of her tours

Celebrating lives on our birthdays is a representation of another glorious year of development, growth and lessons learned over time and an opportunity to reappraise, pause, reflect on one's life and appreciate God above all. This particular birthday for our dear Mrs Zainab M.Abdullahi was a unique combination of memories, gratitude to the Almighty God for protection and a season to Celebrate her darling husband on his birthday on one of her tours. We cannot let such memorable moments pass without sharing the memories with you. Enjoy your weekend